Orkney Hand Crafted Furniture
Thank you so much for the chair. As you say the driftwood is beautiful. We will enjoy owning this unique piece.
Julie, Worcestershire
Many thanks for the beautiful chairs. Mary was absolutely delighted with them when she unpacked them yesterday.
Norman and Mary, High Peak
I feel like I have a little bit of Orkney in my home now. The chair is the best seat in the room, boys are always taking turns to sit in it to watch TV or games on Ipad. I sit in it whenever I can. Thank you it was worth the wait.
Darlene, USA
The chairs were safely delivered yesterday afternoon and I am delighted with my chair. Thank you so much for creating a fabulous piece of furniture which is now sitting proudly in my living room.
Margot, Glasgow
Just to let you know the chair arrived safely yesterday. We are both delighted with your work and the chair now has pride of place in our home. Well worth the wait. Thanks so much.
Andrew and Maggie, Aberdeenshire
I was just so thrilled to receive the big crate yesterday and then to open it and see your beautiful piece of craftsmanship. The chair fits beautifully into our living area and will be the topic of conversation for many visitors and family members for years to come.
Robyn, Auckland
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